Why subscribe?
By becoming a subscriber, you’re saying that you care about writing that explores what it means to be fully alive, connected to all things sacred, and deeply curious about life. You’re supporting me and my work in the world, and helping me be held accountable to keep writing and keep creating!
Here’s how it works:
You choose a subscription plan that feels good to you, starting at $6/month and can know that you’re both financially and energetically supporting my writing
I share twice-a-month reflections, blog posts, poems, short stories, and previews/pieces of my novels and books.
Everyone wins!
I have a goal of 30 subscribers by February 1 - subscriptions start at $6/month!
Can you help me reach my goal?

Subscribe to Noticing Along The Way
I'm a poet, writer, coach, earth-minister, leader of women's circles and retreats, bodyworker, aunt, wife, friend, and human who loves writing, creating deep connection, and finding the sacred in everyday moments.